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'A job is started as a moment of passion,but it is carried with movement with patience.'

The Indian Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air Conditioning Engineers (ISHRAE), was founded in 1981 at New Delhi by a group of eminent HVAC&R professionals. It is an International Associate of ASHRAE, the American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air Conditioning Engineers. It engages in a broad spectrum of activities to attain its objectives.

ISHRAE conducts conferences, seminars, workshops and catalogue shows throughout the country with both national and international participation on the latest in terms of technologies, systems and services and it also promotes research in the field of technology

The ISHRAE IET chapter was started in 2010, under the guidance ofDr.SharadChoudhary (President ISHRAE-Indore) and since then there are no limits to its extent and influence. ISHRAE IET CHAPTER won the 'BEST CHAPTER AWARD' in February 2015 at the event 'TECHNOCHILL' held at Shri Aurbindo Institute of Technology (SAIT), Indore. ArpitSarawgi and FaizanKhan, two final year students have come up with flying colours in the national level quiz competition,‘ACREX-2017’, securing 4th position after bagging first position at zonals.

Students of IET have also shown their caliber in theJob Junction, a mass HVAC industrial recruitment held in Mumbai, by getting selected in companies like BlueStar,Voltas, Bhutoria Refrigeration pvt.Ltd. etc.

ISHRAE organizes workshops and various technical and cultural events to provide students with a lot of opportunities. Industrial and site visits at Central Mall, Indore and St.FrancisHospital,Indore have provided students with the much needed practical knowledge.

Mr.AjeetBargaleyas the student activity chair, ISHRAE-Indore, has played a pivotal role in establishment of this ISHRAE Indore Chapter.


ISHRAE IET chapter is currently led by-

SumitMajhi         President


Aakash Gupta     Vice-President


ArpitSarawgi      Treasurer


CWC GaganKohli, Swati Reja, KapilTathod,

ShivaniGondane, Ayush Agarwal


Achievements at ISHRAE IET CHAPTER

Best Chapter Award---       Technochil-2015

ArpitSrawagi&Faizan Khan---4th Position at ACREX-17

Aakash Gupta ---

KapilTathod ---       Bhutoria